and thats almost it.
workshops are closed (although i made the most of them today; re-print of the 4 diagrams for the Temp. DA/LL Network, and i made 6 more of the perspex markers for marking the internet and the physical), the exhibition build starts next week, and the install goes on for 10 days after that. today also saw my last tutorial and yesterday saw us sign off the proofs of the degree show catalogue (was mighty pleased with my page – cheers go out to connar o’keeth for the photograph!!!!)
still have a million things to do…
some finishing touches to do to the Temp. DA/LL Network Nodes which i’ll squeeze into my lunch breaks during the build, i’ve been shortlisted for an AHRC block grant for the MA Digital Arts in Performance program and have an interview for that, i need to open 4 SKYPE accounts which will again be squeezed into lunch breaks, also need to empty the studios tomorrow and have so much stuff to get out of there its unbeliveable, and then hand in my professional practice folder in on friday… HECTIC
and thats not mentioning the performances i’m programming for bunting:littleblackflags:gardenparty so far featuring Flowlosopha and Sickboy aka SMUT with more acts to follow…
also i would like to mention Louise Draper and just say R.I.P. you are missed.