Viewing single post of blog Birdwatching, pins, and harmony

Quick update before I head off to Edinburgh tomorrow:

My Norwich Arts Centre performance of ‘An Audio Guide to Varo’s Harmony’ is now online in full, alongside a short showreel version of the PULSE performance.


I was MUCH happier with the NAC version as I’d done some serious editing, and added a chalkboard and audience participation. A roomful of people playing blades of grass is a wonderful sound!

I’m almost ready to head up to Edinburgh now with my pieces ‘One Minute Birdwatching’ and ‘Hear a Pin Drop Here’.



I’ve been told that BBC Radio Scotland would like to record a preview version of ‘One Minute Birdwatching’ for broadcast on Saturday, which is very exciting! Sound art on the radio. Perfect.

I’m going to be researching and actually producing the content for ‘Hear a Pin Drop Here’ whilst I’m in Edinburgh, which is a little nerve-wracking but is the only way it can be done. It is a study of the sound of the city during the festival, and so couldn’t be done at any other point. If I don’t add any more to this blog over the next week then you’ll know why: I’ll be frantically editing video footage at every opportunity. I will manage to send updates through Twitter: 140 characters won’t take long. If you are interested, please follow me @holly_rumble.