Update on the Birmingham/Bordeaux exchange I am involved in.

The idea for this exchange show came out from conversations I had with Joss Burke -an artist formally based in Birmingham, but now living and working in the Bordeaux area. From her contacts and knowledge of artscene in Bordeaux, she wanted to bring artists working there, into contact with artists she knew from working in Birmingham. The aim is to develop a cross cultural and artistic dialogue between artists working in these cities.

Last November, the first exchange show took place at Le hanger en Bois. This space is Bordeaux artist, Francis Viguera's workshop turned gallery. Francis offered to host this exhibition as part of Art Chartrons Festival ( an artist led open studios /alternative space art festival) that ocurrs twice a year in Bordeaux.

The exhibition was entitled The Bridge and was a very successful show, that was well attended and received by the Bordeaux art public.I attach a couple of images from that show for interest.

We are planning the return show at The Works Gallery in Birmingham in September this year. Here are some links to Bordeaux artists who will be showing: Isodore Krapo – Artist http://anamorphoz.fr/vv/atelier krapo/mezz.html

Veronique Lamare– Video and performance artist http://v.lamare2.free.fr/

Christophe Masse- Artist/Writer http://www.toffer.canalblog.com/

I will add other artists links involved in the show in future posts. We are working on making a website for the September show and will let you know the details when its finished. The French artsists don't get funded like we do here. Any ideas to get French companies to possibly sponsor the French artists?

I am showing work at DACS Kowalsky Gallery, Gt Sutton St,London in the 1984 exhibition. 27th May -21st August. Open by appointment or first Thursdays of the month. Pop in and have a look. Cheers for nowTom