Viewing single post of blog Birmingham – Bordeaux exchange

Hi, I thought I would update folk on how the planning for the Re-place exhibition is coming along. The summer is upon us and September is looming nearer. We are liasing with Birmingham City Council's Arts Team to link in with their publicity campaign to the promote ArtsFest weekend in Brum. Hopefully that will help promote our exhibition regionally, and we have offered to promote Artsfest activities and events at our venue at the Works Gallery. We are developing a website for our exhibition with the help of Maria (a Curating Graduate from BCU) who has agreed to help us with designing a website and promotional/publicity activity.

In France Joss and Veronique are trying to get funding for the Bordeaux artists to help with their costs. There is no Arts Council system is France for Visual Artists. They will be meeting with Bordeaux Council Officials to see if they can give any assistance. So this a big challenge for the French artists to get public funding for their practice.

Another consideration in working with artsists based in another country, is the linguistic and cultural differences. Our main contact in Bordeaux is Joss Burke who was born and brought up in Liverpool, who acts as a translator and co-ordinator for us. Without Joss this project couldn't happen, as the French Artists speak only a little English and we have very little French. So communication is proving to be an interesting dimension to our project.

Anyway, I am posting images from my colleagues Pamina Stewart, Paula Woof and Peter Grego. Pamina's link is :www.paminastewart.co.uk. The next post will concentrate on Bordeaux based artists Joss Burke, Richard Biardeau and Francis Viguera. Until next post. Best wishes. Tom