Having a major wobble at the moment. Pretty much completely to do with the change in institution and space. I knew things would change with the move from Warwickshire to BIAD but I didn’t think I’d have to reinvent the how I work. I’m taking a break until January and then I will decide whether to continue with the course. At the moment I’m pretty much set on quitting and that has given me a chance to relax at least. I have to weigh up if what I get on deciding to continue is worth the change in effort that I need to put in. I neither need another degree nor am I really interested in a show. I am most interested in making and in philosophical discovery, both of which I can do anyway. I really want time and space in which to make and think – which I used to get in the old format. Currently there is a three hour round commute to get to the making space, by which point I am thoroughly distracted and uncomfortable. Well, we’ll see how I feel in Jan. I’m getting on with the essay in the meantime, if I decide to continue it will at least be done by then. I am disappointed, I didn’t think the change would be this hard to assimilate.