There are many ways of promoting work and it takes time to research all the variables. Social media is great if you can maintain a regular following by posting work.
There are many dyslexic artists/designers whose websites are helpful when considering the possibility of my own website setup.
For me, social media is a matter of “suck it and see”, what works for one does not work for all, it’s about maintaining a presence. My presence may be a slower, slightly poorly spelled presence but a presence nonetheless.
My art practice is still unfurling and will be something that I continue to promote through Instagram and local exhibitions.
My glasswork and potentially my artwork will be promoted via a selling platform. It is inevitable that I will have to ask for assistance from friends to set up a website as I cannot cope with the anxiety of poor communication on a webpage.
I am a huge believer in word of mouth as a way of advertising and I am fortunate that my work is generally on full display on clients’ front doors or windows.