………..needed a day to get over the Bluewater experience. After 12 hours standing on a hard marble floor talking all day we were shattered. Next day we both ached ….

A fun day though. Such a lovely project because it always makes people smile and engage. Here however with everyone on the same mission they all wanted to buy them!

can we buy them? made us smile…….
a lot of thought has gone into this………………
thank you, that was really, really nice
it was brilliant – every village should have one.
we spend so much time on the computer nowadays that its a treat to see something like this………..
so unusual……..that was an inspiration!
how amazing that one village made all this. I didn’t know places like that still existed.
Can we buy them?

So – all 140 horses back in my partner Ros’s spare bathroom and I must turn back to this solo show lark……….before its too late.


busy here…and fun..

…our Farningham Hobby Horse project was featured when the Lone Twin Olympic boat project launched and was on all the news bulletins. One of the wooden donations from which the boat was fashioned was ours. Centre starboard= our horse head.

Then a corporate meeting with Bluewater shopping center to ascertain if we could show the Farningham Hobby Horses there.

Agreement – amazing…due to a lot of hard work on our behalf by someone else we have been awarded the most pretigious venue – outside Marks and Spencers. 10am – 9pm . Will be a very long day.

The project is in its last days now. Horses will go back to their makers in June. I will be glad. A year is a long time to travel a project and for Ros Barker and I it is time to focus on new things.

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Visit to the gallery today to measure up and to stand and mull over what goes where – I do like it. The gallery was once the chapel of a disused church now converted into a Theatre and Arts Centre.

Large monchrome prints are showing in there at the moment. The architecture and stone mullions round the windows give such a sense of peace and silence after the cafe just outside…..lovely.

The orange pipette tubes I got from Hastings now contain wasps. I am not sure where I am going here but I will see if there are any more tubes to be had next time I am down there. It feels like the work should be not just repetitive but big.

Even though I had plenty else to be getting on with I just had to get the wasps in and see what they looked like before I did anything else. Most interesting thing about them seems to be the way they have gone from being obviously dead to looking for all the world like a tube full of angry wasps trying to get out……….resurrection.


Well…a lot of work going on in the back room here, but I have got to the point that I no longer know if things are hanging together well or quite where to go next. I think I need to go back to the gallery that my show will be in. Look again at the space now that I have almost got to the point of framing up most of the work.

Framing is so expensive that I don’t want to go ahead and then decide against putting things in.In fact framing is terrifying. Cost. Getting it wrong.

I haven’t worked in a way that required framing for a while and it is definitely worrying me.

Today was spent drawing a distorted dragonfly – part of a series I am calling Conundrum- mostly as a way of keeping all the work together. Its together as a series in my head but I feel the need to allow the viewer to feel the same.

Yesterday I went to the new Jerwood Gallery in Hastings. An architectural gem of a building – inside and out -that sits seamlesly within its timeless beach setting between tall black net huts. Hopefully the local opposition will fade now its in situ.

Inagural show is Rose Wylie. Very strange. I had no feeling for it at all. None. Not irritation or repugnance or anger or amusement. No engagment. I have just never felt like that before. I was informed by the wall labels that it was witty and insightful and referenced contemporary culture. I just felt dead to this huge room of paintings that should have been shouting at me but weren’t.

The upstairs part of the gallery shows part of the Jerwood collection – the odd delicious thing but mostly not the best of artists from the 1950’s onwards.

If this part of the gallery is to be partially changed every six months and the entry fee for the one room main show remains at £7.00 then it will take something very special to draw me there again from Kent. One hour + £15.00 petrol makes for an expensive outing …

Still, my charity shop finds of the afternoon were five orange glass laboratory tubes……….something tells me that tomorrow will be spent with them and a collection of dead wasps…..my


Today was the day that Going Public went public……….Elena Thomas, Julie Dodd and I attempting to move our private e-mail conversations to the public arena of the a-n blog.



Because its our home I suppose.We met through it, we comment on it and blog on it and feel linked through it.

Maybe a part of us also hopes that doing so will focus us a little more on our end goal of a joint project and exhibition although we all have shows and courses and work that stands between now and then.

Meandering on has been the bit I have loved – the slow unfolding of back stories, likes and dislikes, sharing of artists found and images we think the other would enjoy. Support and crits and a bit of a giggle.

I do wonder if we will lose that. And if we do will we e-mail behind the blog again to regain it?