This seems to have fallen by the wayside a bit …apoplogies all.
The usual autumnal bug that makes you feel rubbish and puts a stop to all the things you wanted to do. In my case hearing Tom Hackney talk as part of my course. Oh well.
I did manage to go to what was billed as a Symposium at UCA Farnham by Unravelled – the organisation that puts site specific and installaion art into National Trust houses.
After recently installing Echo in Knole House I was really looking forward to this. Not as good as I had hoped …what is it with these days. I am getting a bit jaded with them. So often woolly thinking, and speakers who seem to be treated with undue reverence.
This time they started late and the last speaker didn’t show. I want to come away from these days for which I have paid feeling invigorated, refreshed, with new ideas or concepts in my head. This means that the day has to be inclusive of the audience.
Days in which I have listened to endless speakers from an organisation telling me how wonderful they are doesn’t do it for me. I think it’s rude. At least there has to be some form of address to your audience – some indication of that they are there, have bothered coming, how they might become involved.
In this case the main man hadn’t even prepared anything – just bought his huge PowerPoint and flipped through it missing out pages that weren’t relevant or he didn’t have time to cover, or we weren’t grand enough to merit…..
So sad- if you lead something you should be inspirational- to the worker bees as well as the Queens.
The last speaker of the day, Lindsay Sears was really exciting both as a speaker, thinker and artist. She shared her process, and her work and was inclusive and interested in her audience and I will now seek out her work and follow what she does.
That all said the lovely curator who sat next door to me was interesting enough to make the whole day worth it!
So – today.
After all these years of blogging and e-mailing and Twittering and hopes and plans that never quite took off – tonight she and I will be having a drink in our local pub.
Can’t wait.
Hooray for a-n I say.