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No longer blogging in the top ten…not surprising as I have been pretty silent. Pretty shattered actually. Exhibition private view was huge fun with loads of lovely people and 28 of us going on to have a pizza down the road…..

Then complete collapse. No more energy. I slept from 12am to 6.30 two days later. Unheard of. I had no idea I was so tired.

My comments on the luggage labels idea was a massive sucess. Need a new spike now!

The show finishes next week and I have just written a short e-mail in an attempt to lure the arts officers from their lair in the local museum down the road to see it. I have wanted to work with the museum for some time, but my ‘museum of memorialisation’ that I curate in a space each time really doesn’t work as an image. You have to be there to understand it. I really hope one of them comes down.

I am taking my elderly mother on Wednesday. It is her Jewish heritage that drives much of the work on loss and memory. I am quite nervous of her reaction. How I see a work may not be how she sees it.