They’re Back
and they are so orange, rust, and a pigment called sinoper dont quite cut it, just so ORANGE but an earthy orange not like a bird of paradise, or terrcotta ……….earthy man, a living ORANGE.
So it’s the return of the Long Horns.
The men who count butterflys must have brought them back a couple of days ago.
It feels complete again and all is well with the world.. I saw four altogether, three with horns and one without. They were right in the thickest part of the trees.
I made a slide show for the festival in power point! It was really easy to modify a previous blog idea to produce a ‘Walk in the Blean’. A dog walk in the woods coveyed through slides, less than a minute and half long aimed at families on festival day. The men who count butterflies are very happy with it.
Below is a link to the flier advertising the festival.