We had our third BMPD event last night in the Town Hall, Eastbourne. And about 50 artists came. We will post pictures on our new website which is now up and running. It is:
This new site is at a basic stage but we plan to develop it and post useful information for artists on it as well as link to other helpful sites.
Another meeting today to review progress on the planning of our next Event on 21 November. We went to visit the Court Room and check out the facilities. Water and coffee machines are available. We can mark on an outline plan how we would like the room laid out for the evening.
We continued discussions at the studio, updated each other on our progress and put in dates for future meetings. Next we made broad outline plans for the year ahead and made timings for putting in funding applications.
We hope to have at least one page of our new website up and running in time for this next event.
NEXT BMPD EVENT Plans are underway for the next BMPD event. We have negotiated the date: 21 November, and the Court Room is booked at Eastbourne Town Hall. The evening will focus on preparations for the Open Houses events during the first Eastbourne Festival next March. We will invite a number of artists who have run or participated in Open Houses in other towns. We hope artists will gain valuable information about planning and organising. We have a number of meetings set up ourselves in order to run this event in the best way we can.