Worries of the Day
The closer you get to that point of feeling ready to make work again, the scarier it gets, I find…And today, is no exception. Some Soul music is on in the background with dozens of questions running through my veins:
– Where do I start? How do I start?
– What will it be about? Is it about the process? Is it about the end result? Is it about research on a long-term project? Is it about getting back on a saddle?
– Is it personal? Does it have to be personal? Do I want to make it personal? Do I have issues to address?
– What do I want from the piece? Do I want it to be a piece or some work in progress? Do I need to worry about that just yet?
– Can this new work be challenging to me: in its process, duration or execution?
– Can its approach remain organic all the way through?
– Can I find the right balance between reading, thinking & making?
– Can I find the right balance between planning & making?
– Will I be able to control the pressure?
– Is it too early to think about the practicalities?
– What about the audience? What about my relationship to them? Will it be (again) about spectatorship?
– Theatricality or live Physicality?
– Am i already putting barriers before even starting? Do I have reasons to worry?
Maybe worrying is a good thing. Maybe it’s a (good) sign I know the kind of relationship I’ve got with my work, and with my practice in general. Maybe, it’s a (good) sign I’d like to take my practice/work to a next level?
Maybe I shall keep these questions as a premilinary point of reference to go back to when I’ll face my first researching day on this new project.