September always feels like a grounded month, one where we really anchor to the earth and set off towards the end of a year.

To celebrate the groundedness of this month, my Boldbrush contest entries for this month are selected from those in my Scottish Island Landscapes virtual exhibition which is running through September.

I’d be delighted if you’d vote for one or all of them 

Here are the drawings – just click on the titles of the drawing(s) you’d like to vote for and then the Vote button on that page:

North Uist from Lochbay, Isle of Skye (21 Sept)

North Uist from Lochbay, Isle of Skye (22 Dec)

North Uist from Lochbay, Isle of Skye (2 June)

Part of the contest is judged via a public online vote, even one vote means that painting makes it onto the popular entries page, which means that more eyes are likely to see my paintings – and the more votes they receive means they move higher up the page!

I’d be delighted if you’d like to vote for one or any number of these.

 Every single vote makes a huge difference to me and would mean so much.

Thank you so much in advance, I truly appreciate any vote you place
voting closes on Monday 30 September

P.S. These paintings are currently available to purchase, and would love to find their places to nestle up and call home. Click on the following links to find out more about the original paintings: