Angela Euder. Kassel. 6 month exchange programme with Sichuan Art School.
Baoding Shan at Dazu.
This site is the life work of the monk Zhao Zhifeng, who raised the money, designed and oversaw the carving between 1179 and 1245.
I met Zhang Yi in the Himalaya Bookshop and asked to see some of his work at his apartment. At last I have found something I really like, and, like in my work he is very interested in Chinese painting and doing something modern and thought provoking from traditional art practice. He studies works of old Chinese painting with enthusiasm and then paints a background wash of colour. Using one line he draws the entire work with a brush and re-creates an old painting. This technic is inspired by the way old masters used to draw water.
Oliver Gosling has been living in Chongqing for over a year. He lectures part time at Brighton University for three months in drawing, and paints for the rest of the year in Chongqing. His studio is about the size of a small church. Currently he has a solo show at Jinse Gallery.