Silence outside, no cars, everyone inside watching the World Cup. I have been in the garden today, photographing paintings when, the sun goes in and fixing Ryman hangers to the stretcher frames.

The process of organising the exhibition is a huge learning experience. The painting time has finished and now it’s into a different mind set as I think about selecting and positioning,and looking at the work trying to see it as a viewer. I would really just like to go back into the studio with fresh canvases and get working. This is the part I have been dreading to be honest. Other peoples private views are much more fun. I am anticipating though, that this challenge will provide me with the opportunity of seeing, and engaging with the work in a different way. I have only been able to see three canvases together at one time, in our seminar space. It will be interesting to see what happens in the gallery.

Bucks New Uni Fine Art Degree show is open and it has been inspiring to see how the graduating students, staff and technicians have transformed the studio into a contemporary gallery space and the effect this new environment has had on viewing the work.

‘EXPLICIT‘ FIne Art Degree show at Bucks New Uni OPEN, 10am- 4pm, Mon 14th- Thurs 17th June.

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Painting after my assessment feedback seems more focussed. The procedure is very intense, you, the tutors and the work, and some honesty. The ‘student led’ style of tutoring is great at drawing out your ideas and intentions, but the assessments deliver critical opinion, which I find helpful.

Working in the shed is like camping in a compact tent (complete with rain). Most of the paintings are bubble wrapped and stacked to one side. Essential equipment within reach.

I am thinking about the movements between the paintings.

Sure, steady decisions required.


Back from Berlin. What a great time. Walked and walked. We stayed north east of Alexanderplatz, visits included small contemporary galleries and large collections, Guggenheim and Bau Haus Archive.

My work is directly influenced by place and the experience of space. This experience was moving, interesting and invigorating.

In my work I seem to have sense of what’s coming next. The ideas are now queuing up behind the curtain for the next performance. I can’t see them but I know they are there.

Back to the exhibition, 15 days left. There are several important things to do:

1. Evaluate the paintings and consider reworking the couple that are unresolved.

2. Investigate, source and fix ‘Ryman hangers’ for invisible hanging, paintings have to be screwed to the wall, for insurance purposes.

3. Write press release and complete e-invite send out.

I am now relocated, and packed into my studio shed, It does feel rather like working in a cupboard!


The assessment was positive and helpful. The contents of my studio space were loaded and unloaded, with ideas about the changes I might make to some of the paintings before the show, running through my thoughts.

They will have to wait as tonight I pack my bag for the Fine Art four study trip, to Berlin. Leaving tomorrow morning. Fantastic!