‘Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.’
– Rachel Carson (1907 – 1964)
In 1956, Eric Rasmussen a forester educated in New York State, married into the Lange family and embarked on a career as the owner of Lange’s Grove Side Resort. For the next 50 years, Eric pursued his avocation of forestry through the sustainable management of 150 acres of land owned by the resort. Eric named this property the Siuslaw Tree Farm as a tribute to the Siuslaw National Forest in Oregon, where he worked as a forester after graduating from college.
Siuslaw is a Native American word meaning ‘land of the far away river’, referring to the Columbia River in Oregon. In naming the property Siuslaw, Eric was referring to the Hudson River. In 2006, Eric and his family generously donated the Siuslaw Tree Farm to Cornell Cooperative Extension of Greene County (CCE Greene) so that the forest would continue to me managed and provided research and educational opportunities in the future.
Earlier this week I met with Eric and he expressed curiosity in the Bug Cinema concept. It was my privilege to talk with this generous man of ‘vision’. I explained my humble endeavors and how I hoped that – from a scientific perspective, at least – the project might make a small contribution to the Centre’s ecological baseline data collection, by identifying moth species which presently live in the forest; something which, until now has not been conducted.
‘Sustaining the ecological, aesthetic and economic values of forested lands’ – Agroforestry Resource Centre
In 2007, the Siuslaw Tree Farm was named one of three New York City Department of Environmental Protection’s Model Forests. The mission of the Model Forest Programme is to integrate scientific research, continuing education and public outreach to illustrate relationships between the environment and human activity, and to provide a public forum in which to improve the overall understanding of how ecological, social and economic processes shape forested watersheds.
CCE Greene is gathering baseline data on the condition of the Siuslaw Model Forest. Over 200 study plots have been inventoried for woody and herbaceous plants, as well as soil type and pH. These study plots will be monitored over time as part of the forest’s Continuous Forest Inventory. CCE Greene is cooperating with Cornell University to study the growth of agroforestry crops, such as mushrooms and American ginseng.