‘If I were to name the three most precious resources of life, I should say books, friends, and nature; and the greatest of these, at least the most constant and always at hand, is nature.’
– John Burroughs (1837 – 1921)
I’m staying in Platte Clove Cabin, the historic, rustic retreat that the American naturalist and writer, John Burroughs famously lived in during many of his adventures in this majestic, Catskill mountain wilderness. There is an old photo of John (with his iconic long, white beard and wide-brim hat) on the wall opposite my bed. I am his guest and I feel in good company knowing that there’s a part of his benevolent spirit here in this beautiful, idyllic place.
Everything here is so green. The cabin is very quaint and the locality is thick forest, gorges and tumbling waterfalls. My nearest waterfall is only 5mins walk down the steep, craggy path from the cabin. As my abode is without mains water the Platte Clove Falls has become my personal, private bathroom. Each evening after I’ve had a wash and swim, I fill-up my 2 gallon bottles with mountain water and head back up the steep trail to my poet’s shelter.