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Thought I’d posted this on Sunday, just realised it was sat unpublished on my mac. Doh!!!

The week didn’t calm down much and I found I wasn’t as productive as I have been. Lots of distractions – more people about to catch up with after the holidays; anxiety (I guess) about the imminent final 1-2-1 tutorial before the show and dissertation marks pick-up.

As punishment – harsh! – necessity really, I went in yesterday (Saturday) to paint and try and get back on track.

The tutorial was a bit odd but positive in its outcome. I have since started recording experimentally for my sound piece accompaniment, so thats a goer hopefully.

Am getting a bit tired now and can’t seem to shake it off. We all are, but the thing thats keeping us going is that the end is in sight… albeit that in itself brings on panic, of a different kind, panic that we won’t make the deadline, panic that we won’t quite finish our work,…. We’re doing a good job of reassuring each other and helping each other stay calm though, which helps.