Viewing single post of blog City as a Canvas- a hindsight perspective

So all went well, and I loved the live feel of things, of data downloads, and participation by many people who would not usually be involved in an arts project, and the way people 'got it’. I was expecting having to justify and explain notions of drawing, of mark making but this was never any issue- maybe they just liked the cycle ride, but no it was more than that, the collaboration involved and the idea that people where participating in something bigger than their contribution worked really well I’d love to share with the drawings on the maps, but I'm now waiting for copyright permission to publish. I'll get back to you on this. Anyway, I'll mull it all over, I've already thought of how we could do a few things differently if we get the opportunity in another city. Oh and I have to go through 65 evaluation forms. So in the mean time, please visit http://jeanniedriver.com/cityasacanvas/its still in development and we hope to put the animated drawings online soon..