As so often happens in building a piece, when you put your hands onto the intended materials your brain starts to go somewhere else. The container for ‘stone in the fog’ was to have been made with 10mm MDF but the intended material had warped. I considered using some 18mm stuff which I had, but the weight of the piece would have really started to creep-up, since the container is also to be sheathed with lead. So, I decided to build a sub-frame which will be clad in 5mm plywood. Suddenly this became the best way to do this (with an associated flood of endorphins) and this morning I collected the frame materials along with the lead sheathing (code 3 – 1.3mm thick and heavy). It’s tape-measure and saw time…
Tonight should be fun; my lap-top is to be configured to work with ProTools by a musician friend, Warren Greveson. I have had the software/hardware for a while and my initial attempt at set-up did not get very far, as much because I wasn’t clear in my own mind how I intended to use the software. My “fuzzy” intention was to use it to make soundscapes for my videos but I think it needs to be a “bit more defined” than that. I am also making a series of videos to accompany the orchestral premiere of ‘Voyager’ by Warren Greveson at Beaumaris Festival, 2012. It is a musical interpretation of the NASA missions of Voyager 1 and 2 [] and the incredible thing is that these two craft are still flying and transmitting-back and are now at the edge of the solar system. I first worked with Warren at the end of my first year, where using his studio and ProTools we produced sounds to accompany a video/installation called Flow.