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This week, I have got to that stage where I am in dire need of a brew. My trusty callus protector is doing a fine job but I have been denying myself breaks from drawing, which has lead to a sore hand that now resembles more of a claw.

Sometimes, I just get so involved in drawing and lose track of the time. When glancing at the clock, I think “just 5 more minutes, then I’ll take a break”. Inevitably, another hour passes and I tell myself the same thing, “just 5 minutes, I really see this piece going somewhere…”. 

I find it hard to pull myself away from drawing for much needed breaks for the eyes and hands. Running your own art business requires more marketing and business time then actual art production. Let’s face it, artists love to make art! That’s what we do. So to convince yourself, as an artist, to take a 10 minutes break can be extremely difficult.

I have found the less breaks I take, the more I am doing myself an injustice. Regular breaks actually keep the mind more focused. It allows my hand and eyes to adjust. The more short breaks you allow yourself the better, as then you find yourself more relaxed and motivated to continue. There is more room for your creativity.

The next time I think “just 5 more minutes”, I’ll tell myself, “No, now it is time for a cup of tea”.