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Back from residency and in a world of playing catch-up. So much so, that the 11-13 hr days I was working at the studio last week are beginning to feel a bit like a holiday.

The time down in Dorset was really good – very intense working, but I like it when project run a bit on adrenalin. The project I did at PVA ran pretty much to what I proposed, with the main exception being that I sourced recordings from all over the town, rather than just one particular side street. It actually worked out quite nicely, following the microphone around, and recording those little incidental sounds that drift past almost un-noticed sometimes. I also found myself getting really excited about recording snatches of overheard music – someone practicing piano, a band rehearsing, something like Xylophone from someone’s open window.

I’ve got to do a bit more editing (mainly because the stereo goes 100% in either direction which could be a bit of a head screw if listened to on headphones), but The Plan is to get it up onto Soundcloud this week. I’ll post a link up here when that’s done.

Had another visit to the Oceana yesterday with Taryn Edmonds (http://www.aa2a.org/artists/taryn_edmonds) who I’ll hopefully be collaborating with on a project there. This will require some funding being sourced (next week’s job and then some), but as there’s some distinct crossovers in our work, I think something pretty interesting could be achieved.