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I began making new, small, pieces from cardboard, having decided to simplify the forms and continue working with multiples. It also seemed to me that cardboard objects would be relatively easy to scale up and recreate in, perhaps, mild steel or aluminium (if finances were ever to allow that) at a later date.

Simultaneously, I was directed to the research of Nassim Haramein, in whose theoretical model of hyper dimensional physics the tetrahedron plays a pivotal role. At this point I decided to begin work on a project using tetrahedrons as the base form; it being a more interesting form than, say, the cube, which I have experimented with slightly.

I constructed several classical Platonic tetrahedrons, of various sizes, and some which I elongated on one axis and I began experimenting with with composition.

Eventually I found a combination which seemed to be visually interesting and worked quite well. I think it’s something to do with the asymmetry of it.

As an indication of what I mean about scaling up, I’ve included a picture with a borrowed architectural miniature to give the impression.