The first element. Also the smallest, and ‘the purple one’, as it has a purple exterior face.
This was the simplest element to make, as no cuts were involved for interior colour effects.
This element would also set a precedent for the general process required for the production the two additional elements.
What may be regarded as the biggest issue was the fact that the required chamfer angle could not be acquired by simply cutting the panels on a band saw; the bed didn’t tilt enough. The solution was to sand the edges back to the desired angle. This demonstrates one of my reasons for working with MDF; easy to manipulate in this respect.
The result was fairly successful. There were some small gaps along the edges, but I’d anticipated that and simply filled them in with car body filler and sanded them down. To be fair, I did that quite a few times before I was happy enough to start applying paint.
Painting this element was a straightforward task with lots of white emulsion, some masking off and some spray painting.
The edges of the purple painted area could be sharper. That is, however, a salvageable state of affairs.
So far things seemed to be progressing well.