The third element. Also known as; the big one, and the orange one, as it has an orange exterior face, and the interior colour effect is orange. Spot the pattern…
Of the three elements this was the most complex. Two panels required apertures cutting and the chamfer angles required recalculating due to the elongation along one axis.
The apertures were relatively simple, using the same process as the second (yellow) element.
With this element I chose to apply some Sacred Geometry; that of the angles governing the isosceles ‘faces’ of the element (‘base’ angles 72°, apex 36°).
This meant that the equilateral panel and the short sides of the isosceles panels would have a different chamfer angle from the long sides of the isosceles panels.
Again the panels were cut and sanded back with an adequately successful result.
This element also needed the interior faces painting white for reflected colour and for an easier time applying the paint to provide said reflected colour.
At this point I suspected that there wasn’t enough internal surface area for the orange paint to provide the desired effect. I was wrong.
Yet again there was much filling and sanding and some painting with white emulsion. It’s amazing the blemishes a couple of coats of white paint will bring out. As a result there was some more filling, sanding and painting, followed by a touch of spray painting.
The third element was finished.
All that was left was to group them together in some way.