My second visit to Barton Moss frack off camp, Thursday 6th February 2014

This time I took my camera, I wanted to visualize how I saw it, the people and the things that had some impact on me. What I saw was again something that hit me as something bigger than myself. Everyone that was at that site had a reason to be there, their emotions were very high, be it scared, excited, frustrated, angry, upset, confused, all these emotions had a point to make about the whole story.

I am still unsure as to how I feel about the fracking, part of me is still very wary of it. Each time I look up different view points or talk to new people my feeling change and vary so much. When I talked to my friends about the site and the issues that I have witnessed and been told about, they questioned it, we talked, we laughed, we argued, but we all agreed that there was so much unknown, so many different view points that it was hard to make a decision on how we truly felt about it. This made me see that this may be how most people feel see fracking, it is something on the news or read about but they cannot connect it to them.

Some people just don’t care about the fracking, they feel that it has no impact on their everyday life, some say ‘the government wouldn’t let it happen if it was that dangerous’, others feel that it’s a good idea, they say ‘we need fuel and this is an easy way of getting it’, many say, ‘I just don’t know enough about it to be even able to have an idea of what’s going on’. others think, ‘the camp is full of trouble makers who can’t be bothered to get a job or live the real life’. All these comments ask more questions than answer the problem.

There are many sides to this debate, as far as I can see, there is no good or bad sides, just people, people acting in ways in which they think is right for their view point. There is just too much going on at once, like so many things, the morality of our country is being questioned by both sides and both are using that morality as their standpoint. What will happen in the future of the fracking in our land, I don’t know, but I know that this conversation has not even mid way.

What is good is that the more we talk about it, the more we have an open conversation about it, the more people can make an informed choice on what will happen to the land we live on. Then we can all work together for the better and everyone can see why this is an issue not about fuel but about our morals. It is about the morals of every human, not just the politicians, how we make decisions and how we support our people to be involved in that democratic process.


I can’t believe it, I went to do my recycling today and ended up being part of a protest about fracking, so I did what seems to be a common theme in my work, I started a new piece of art work. To find out more and to follow this art piece go to.



31st January 2014

I sat at my computer wondering what I should write about today on my a-n blog, however, I got bored and decided to look on my e-mails and there was an e-mail from upworthy. Straight away I was hooked, I love upworthy and they always have films that fill my emotions. Films that make me cry, films that make me laugh, films that educate me and others that would make me angry to my soul. This time it was a film about nutrition.

See the link below to read the rest of my conversation it’s over 700 words so I can’t fit it in this blog.



Well, it’s been a few days since I last wrote in this blog but I have been busy. My website is up and running and I’ve been creating.

Last time we spoke I talked about creating my Artists Statement and the reasons for my work. I felt that my work was emotionally led and when I took this on board my work seemed to flow so easily it felt like a breath of fresh air. I started to feel easy with my ideas and open to talking about them that I didn’t care what people thought. My art, my conversations are important to me and they come from me, I can’t change who I am and where my ideas take me. The liberation that I felt was actually beyond words.

So, welcome to my world and if my conversations are not to your liking, c’est la vie! There’s always a few beautiful images that I create as I do like to make a good images once in a while. It makes me feel like a real artist, analyse that if you must.

I’ll post a couple so that you can see what I’ve been up to. I’ll also put a link to my website and twitter so you can keep up to date with my conversations.