Viewing single post of blog Conversations with myself

So far I have found a mountain of information and a mountain of views and this subject is a huge conversation. But what troubles me is that not many people are having this conversation. It seems that there are many conspiracies, theoretical ones as well as real ones and this stops people from being able to discuss the real issues that our society is facing. For me I feel that the issue is that nobody trusts anyone, people ask questions but do not believe the answers, people give answers but do not trust people with that information and so give false, misleading or over complicated answers.

The emotions involved in this conversation are so sensitive, they stem from peoples believe systems and experiences. People are fearful of others, there is very much a them and us world and so mistrust and lack of understanding of other people become high motivators of people actions. These problems are not just part of this conversation, but, a part of every conversation that isn’t taking place in this world, this country, this area, this society. If you do not trust or understand your neighbour, your government, your council, the people that surround you, then what are you both, you will always be opposers, never able to work together for the greater good, always feeling that you have to fight the other for what you believe in.

What does this mean for our society, if we are always fighting at the different ends of the spectrum then how can we work together to do what is right for our lands, our people, our services, our future. The answer is we can’t. As I ponder these questions I will continue this conversation, however, I am starting to understand where this art piece is taking me.
