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Well it’s still raining and I’m sitting here with yet another cup of tea to warm me up, Assam this time and I like it, it’s a good strong tea. This time I have some homemade cookies to help, don’t I feel smug, well I would if I hadn’t left them in the oven 5 minutes too long and there a bit crunchy for my liking.

My parker was looking worse for wear the other week so I treated myself to a new one, thank goodness I did. Trust me you can’t beat a parker for this kind of weather. This morning in the playground it was so cold, even the mums who are too cool for proper coats looked like they were struggling.

Anyway, I need to get some paperwork done this morning, I’m looking in to the history of a local Park, I’m going to be a resident artist there and we are looking to do some workshops. I’m meeting with some of the committee and some councillors to look at what we could do, so that’s me for the next couple of days.

It’s a really nice park and my girls love playing there so this is a really handy project. It all came about from a conversation with one of the mums at a kid’s party, we talked about my art and I said that I wanted to do a residency in the woods and park near the school, lucky for me she is on the committee and it spread from there. They have been trying to ignite the park a bit more, they had done some public art but didn’t know which direction to go from there and the council had ring fenced some money so I suggested an art residency and gave them some ideas of things we can do.

It’s funny where a conversation can take you. That’s why I love them so much.