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a starting point.



what do you love about this community?

sue hill.  artist. creative director.



i’m reflecting on the notes i made during the presentation given by sue hill at the big lunch extras camp.  i have about a third of a page of notes and i’m really pleased to see words that wrap me up in a warm blanket of relevency.


we published the art walk call out last week.  i’m going to post the opportunity here on a-n but first i need to consider the project at the critical level.  what is the artist opportunity above and beyond an opportunity to play and have fun making works in a wood ?


drawing on the sue hill notes i see “sense of place” “awe and wonder – looking with new eyes” and “the daily rthymn of cows”.


the sense of place is a set of words i’m familiar with. in my second year career module at university i visited a project with the title sense of place.  i need something else.

it came to me a couple of weeks ago when introduced to place making.  in it’s initial pure form this is to do with the collaboration connected to the creation of city(urban) space.  the work being permanent and political.  in the abstracted form of place making i’m interested in it’s basis is rural areas, is temporary and abstract.


i arrive at my crossroads of description.


art walk for the artist.


art walk for the visitor.



currently the focus is the artist however we’ve begun the drive to get the event publicised and we’re being asked for words, times, dates and images.


so for the artist the opportunity is to work outdoors in a wood dating back to the thirteenth century and once a deer park for royalty.  the opportunity is one we’re creating for the first time, so we have an open mind as to what we want to recieve.  to help everyone understand what the art walk is we’ve set it up so we have an area for work akin to a formal display manner and a partner work somewhere else in the parks to be discovered.  that implies the whole of the parks. for this first year we are working in an area that is 100 metres square.




making something in full view is powerful

sue hill




at this point we start to shuffle towards the common ground for both artist and visitor.


the art walk place makes in an area of belper parks, a space dating back to the thirteenth century.


that’s a start ….


i want to weave in the words discover, look with new eyes and delicate.  i’m not too sure about delicate however i needed a third word.


how about


the art walk delicatley place makes in an area of belper parks.  self guide yourself and discover the works here.  look with new eyes to find the partner works there.




let’s see.


i quite like that.

30 words in which i think it sets up a proposition for the viewer.  it sets out how there is an area in belper parks in which we are working in a delicate manner.  we state it’s self guided and put discovery on the table of consideration.  the context of here implies something safe and known.  the contextualisation of there sets the challenge to look and wander into a slightly more unknown region.  this mirrors how we set up the concept of the art walk with help from hayley at the forestry commision, something made possible by the go and see bursary we recieved from the artist information company.


-i have a quick break, step outside, close the gate….. i read…. and need to add something-


i need to add something to set up a sense of beginning…


the art walk delicatley place makes in an area of belper parks.  self guide yourself to discover the works here.  look with new eyes to find the partner works there.  head to the poetry stone to begin your walk of discovery.


that’s better.


discovery is very much an experience we want for our visitors.  it was what we felt walking at grizedale.  for me it’s about trying to get close to something like the feeling of awe and wonder i felt at grizedale when finding a sculpture.  the only difference in belper parks is we’re working at a smaller scale.


-the post remained unpublished until i had time to show it ot a colleage…. –

we made some tweaks…


the art walk sensitively place-makes in an area of belper parks.  self guide yourself to discover the works here.  look with new eyes to find the partner works there.  head to the poetry stone to begin your walk of discovery.


i look at it and another part of it seems double ended… the self guide yourself bit. i’m not sure how to evolve these words as the art walk is intended to be a self guided walk… the route is up to the visitor…  maybe self guide yourself is actually ok.  for now it’ll remain so.



the artist call out is now available at