The Dreaded Dissertation and Xmas has cut a big hole in my creativity.I have ideas and themes swimming around in my mind, but somehow I can’t catch them, which is depressing….which makes my swimmers sink lower…..so more depression……I should maybe start a patchwork just to keep…..my head above water…..must be the floods affecting me.
I am wondering whether to challenge myself to do at least a sketch a day. I did that for a month last year and it proved encouragingly productive. New Year starts tomorrow, after midnight, hopefully I will too.


[gallery ids=”52435496,52435495,52435494,52435493,52435492,52435491,52435490″Safety in numbers…….Madness of the Mob……All for one, one for All……the Sisterhood


looking to relax my portrait sketching by using various different media and techniques and studying other portraits that convey the …..pain, tension, defiance I am trying to achieve.
Marlene Dumas’ exhibition at Tate Modern was very stimulating in the minimal brushes strokes and black and white tones….powerful sorrow. Francis Bacon distortions create discomfort in viewer and strange connection with portrait as if contradictions inherent in being human are made physical. Bright scarlet background adds to discomfort somehow doesn’t cheer, but acid colour reverberates.
Made mono-print on fabric to make me looser. Cut lino print, splashed white paint on grey linen, printed portrait which I then doodled with stitch. Adding the black back stitches was more successful than I expected but don’t really know how to develop, tightened and contrasted the tones…….maybe a bigger portrait……maybe a crowd…..army


Lino print of strong woman, without armour/ but vulnerable because she is without armour……her body is her vulnerability? Want to develop but not sure how. tempted to reprint in a line of aggressive/assertive figures on fabric and stitch Rules of Engagement over it…….Give each woman a helmet? Ai Wei Wei has wall paper with guns and birdies……is giving a woman a gun a good move/ a female penis. men have a penis but still need a gun……