Viewing single post of blog Cover Her Head

Have been experimenting with printing from lino cuts on pizza polystyrene bases to provide faces for my Maypole Ladies. The base takes the ink well, if I had more time I could paper the walls with screaming faces……but have to use energy wisely, as polymyalgia means I am exhausted after an hour or so.
I am constructing the Ladies forms with wire, plus lampshade skirts, all a bit Fred Karnos, but we will see. I would like to make their hugely expensive status handbags but I am not sure how to achieve them, in the time scale…..2 weeks at most. It is fun/fear to have this focus, I always enjoy making 3D responses to my imagination, although this is supposed to be a Drawing based challenge. I am drawing in three dimensions perhaps.
I saw a short film on Sarah Lucas this week, she and her work come across as so strong and carefree. ossibly her sense of humour will subvert her position as one of the “important”artists, but she subverts the Art elite anyway. She does not make women “victims” but talks all the time of gender politics and allows women to see themselves as they could be free of cultural expectations of femininity and compromise.