I wanted to start a blog that invites other young creatives to contemplate their own expansion. How we grow as artists, musicians, poets, writers: how we grow as people.
Entering into your twenties, you begin to explore your expression in the world, how you show up in front of others and how we establish ourselves. We rarely give ourselves room to breathe, for fear of unfulfilled potential, obsessing over the path of progress and success. Or on the other hand, we pass time wondering what the heck it is we are meant to be doing, and just try to live for fun and freedom.
Finding the perfect balance of progress and room for exploration is hard. But so doable. When I’m in peak Flow State, it feels incredible, and I want to expand and expand and expand.
If you’re interested in growing creatively, whilst making space for freedom and things that are a bit imperfect in your life, welcome.