discussing with Richard Keenan from PopUp Dorset about the benefits of showing in unusual spaces like a church, which brings a new audience to see your art show and can really help boost your audience figures, VS the difficulties of showing artwork in these spaces – what you can and can’t do to the building, of having to work around the spaces furniture.

Especially if you do it with no funding, so your budget for materials to decorate the space and for trades people to construct a better, a more suitable space is severely lacking.

More at; http://creativedialog.wordpress.com/2013/04/04/creative-conversations-no9-richardkeenan-popupdorset/


Creative Conversations No9 has just gone live, this episode features Richard Keenan from PopUp Dorset.

PopUp Dorset staged an exhibition at St George’s Church, Reforne, Portland. This was a group show featuring 48 artists living in Dorset, covering different themes and using different materials. The Church was very difficult space to hang, as it has all the furniture of a church and there was a lot of things Richard and Katie couldn’t change about the architecture and church furniture, they had to work around it. It was great to meet Richard over the summer of 2012 and it’s great to see them trying to part on shows like this.

Hear on the show about how and why Richard decided to put o this show and become a gallery manager.

& about setting up a commercial gallery, of building up a mailing list. We talk about funding and costs of putting on a show like this.

To find out more and hear this show go to; http://creativedialog.wordpress.com/2013/04/04/cre…