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Great opening at the Towner Gallery on Friday night and thank you to all my friends that came to support me. Hurray they finally have they own website http://www.townereastbourne.or g.uk/exhibition/compulsive-obs essive-repetitive/

If anyone in the area do come and visit the show.

Compulsive, Obsessive, Repetitive

2 July – 18 September 2011 (free)

This is a group show of sculptors who obsessively use small scale repetitive processes to create large scale installations.

The exhibition comprises five new commissions by:

Elpida Hadzi-Vasileva

Brendan JamisonSusie


Jill Townsley

Henry Seaton (Rex Henry and Graham Seaton)

It also features an earlier work by Claire Morgan.

These artists are motivated by the need to compulsively repeat an action – in a labour intensive and painstaking way – to create a large scale installation composed of multiple elements.