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A Japanese dollmaker, I was highly interested in his work for a number of reasons. Firstly was his interest in the morbid… particularly that of the sexual kind. This kind of art style combined with his obsession of ‘amputations, trauma, and medical probing’ made him an interesting source of inspiration for one of my 3d pieces; a doll strapped to a canvas.

Extract from AkaTako.net;

The handmade dolls of Japanese artist Etsuko Miura exhibit amputations, trauma, and medical probing. The frail bodies are coarsely repaired with metal staples and stitches which only highlight their beauty and delicate nature. ]

I desired to show the rawness he did, so I stripped this doll and tied her with black wool, symbolizing black rope, to a bed in a bondage style. I have her hair that was essentially my hair because I wanted her to look more ‘ordinary’. I used stark colours, black against orange, because black is the colour of ‘sex’ and ‘taboo’ but also the colour of no emotion… all its connotations are bad. Orange is a vibrant colour that is easily the opposite, uncommon, bright, and lively, which represents the ‘bed’. I think this worked very well.