What medium to use in my work is my biggest conundrum to date,i have been making use of the freecycle(others are available) network in securing materials for my work, so far I have obtained through the generosity of the public.3 old(i mean really old) working laptops,a desktop computer, a load of unused ohp transparencies , many many used and new floppy disks, circuit boards of varying ages and size aswell as a few other items I cannot think of at this moment but will come to me later on.

oh and an old working type writer and full set of encyclopedia’s from 1975 :)

All of these items have presented opportunities for me to play around and experiment (and if i am being honest: engage my inner childs curiosity) to find out how things are put together or re-arranging them in such a way that new meanings and functions,conceptually and visually emerge through these combinations of ‘defunct’ technologies previous incarnation ie it’s use or characteristics to my work.

In my first creative module of my final year I decided that I would use the set of encyclopedia volumes in such a way as to re-cycle the imagery and structure to create a book,aswell as exploring video to bring these static and probably forgotten images to life or at least take them from their original context within the pages of the encylopedia adn offer the viewer the opportunity to view the images as a large scale projection.I will add the video …