I have been going through some bits of donated paper recently and came across this little gem – it must be from some kind of Health an Safety Ledger from the 90’s. The last entry is a treat..!


Aha! I have just submitted my ACE application. there was a scary moment when I thought I’d deleted it all but no – I’ve just had an email! Phew! After 6 months of planning it’s finally off! I really have no idea whether it’ll get anywhere – I’m suffering the usual doubts – but it’s been quite an experience just doing it. I’m sure I’ll have benefitted in some way – even if it’s not ultimatley financially. Watch this space for updates…


Haha! The sun is out! The birds are singing and my ACE budget balances! Now to cut flipping great chunks out of my beautifully honed prose to make my proposal fit into 2000 words…

I really did not expect to feel so much excitement in seeing two columns of numbers that have the same total. A little sad I suspect.


I met with an ex-colleague- the talented Mr Gary Spencer, yesterday. The idea was to hone my ACE application into something akin to fund-atttracting gold. The reality was an interesting discussion on the limits and difficulties of applications and just how many brilliant artists there already are out there. That and the fact we’d happend on a pub proclaiming to be hosting the worlds largest beer festival -(something to be said for bigging oneself up perhaps..?)

Two sick children at home have meant things have slowed down – no, scratch that, come to a temporary halt. I heard from Lorna at Muswell Hill Library yesterday that someone had just dropped off two boxes of paper for me – so there’s more proof of word getting around. I’m very curious to see it – I’ve no idea who it is from – so far I have met most of the people who have given paper – or at least know its origins, so I’m rather excited about this. It’ll be a kind of social archeology! I’ll post any good pieces up here once I’ve had a good route through it!