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I cant believe it was a month ago I started this blog as an adjunct to my daily painting project http://danyoungdaily.blogspot.com/ . Apologies for leaving you all hanging like that.

Painting a complete painting every day is fast becoming secong nature to me at the moment, I have been doing it for 186 days straight now. I love the way a project like this snowballs. I began it merely wanting to force myself into finding a bit of time every day to do the thing I love, painting. I made the decision to try and sell the work on ebay as a way to make the endeavor pay for itself in terms of paint, brushes and materials. Plus if a lot sold I didnt need to find storage for 365 paintings! To date I have sold all but 7 paintings, a satisfying amount for any artist in the current climate.

As the popularity of the site and the paintings has grown I have discovered followers in most corners of the globe from Slovenia and Australia to America and Japan. This is extremely exciting and I love hearing from people who like the work. Its also interesting to find out how people found out about it, one chap is a self confessed lichen and succulent 'nut', he discovered the painting of a lichen covered twig in an ebay search for 18th Century engravings of lichen and is now an ardent follower even suggesting some plants to paint!

I have just passed the halfway mark and am already thinking about how to continue next year. I plan to retire the size, 16cm x 12cm to keep the first year cohesive feel. But as to the direction I will take after the 23rd of November…..who knows. I do know I will continue my daily doings!