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Have been working on this for most of this week, Alison Craig’s comment below expanding and contracting in my thoughts. I keep coming back to the idea that medium and message are always one, in a similar fashion to form and content, or function and form; they are and are not the same thing; visible and indivisible. A work in which the medium takes second place to the message seems a form of kitsch; medium reasserts itself ‘from the inside’, content’s form, not its scaffolding. Attempting to understand what might be the content of this stuff, I have become more aware of distances, spaces, voids. To descend into a merely compositional exercise is to lose the medium, which will inevitably reassert itself in some perverse manner, but the way in which I appear to work is perilously close to that. If these things are to ‘work’ in any meaningful sense, (whatever that might mean) I have to trust the medium to reveal content?

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