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Here are some experimental pieces I have been working on using photo’s of landscapes I have taken myself and cut outs from magazines/newspapers of buildings and people. I wanted to convey the idea of the busy urbanised world which is rapidly growing in size, increasingly taking over the natural world. The beautiful landscapes which are being lost to society for more roads and housing. The landscapes I photographs are areas in Wales and Ipswich I escape to away from the hustle and bustle of the town life. However the town’s are increasing in size and spreading into these tranquil areas. I want the viewer’s to think about this and what will happen when we lose these spaces.

The last few images are some pieces by the artist Rimantas Plunge, who is currently showing some work in the Waterfront Gallery at UCS. The work focuses on the themes of time, space and identity. It particularly interests me how elements of the human body are combined with images of landscapes and doodling. I feel my work is similar to this, it adds a personal narrative to the work. For this reason I really like his work. I feel inspired by his images to try playing with the colour’s of the images I take, try using negative effects etc.