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Lilac Sediment,

is the current name (as it might change as more layers develop) of this painting, about A2 in size. It currently has four layers. I have painted it on the floor and at the sink, using lots of water, paint, ink and glitter.

The most recent layer completely surprised me, I mix paint with water as usual, but this time a pearlescent paint. When travelling across the canvas, the pigment and water moved along whilst leaving this whitish sediment behind them, a trail of beautiful texture. It seems the water separated some of the elements in the paint somehow, the process was wonderful to watch and I will definitely be using this technique again.

At one point in the process the painting developed beautiful lines where the paint was mixing with the ink from the previous layer. I filmed this happening in a very short video as it dripped off the canvas into the sink.

Though, when it had dried, the lines had disappeared into a blur. Although it still looked equally as good, if I hadn’t of filmed or taken photographs of it in a wet state, no one else would have known these lines existed. This then throws up questions about what is the actual art work? The wet state, or the dry state? This is obviously something I’m going to have to think about in more detail, it seems photography/videoing may have a larger role in my work than I first thought.