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Twilight Zone

I recently did a new layer on my big painting, which I have now called Twilight Zone. This comes from an episode of David Attenboroughs Blue Planet, where he talks of about 300ft down under the sea where the light from the sun is just about gone, this area is called the Twilight Zone.

The paint that I added was mainly around the edges to hide the areas where you could still see the bare canvas. Though I also let that paint run into the middle and then I manipulated some of the spills into one another to form rivers. I am still keeping the colours to just a few (Blue, Purple, Green and Black).

A conversation with some fellow students involved the topic of varnishing again. I will varnish this painting, though I am a bit anxious as I have never used a proper varnish before, I normally just use PVA. Though last time I used PVA it mixed with the ink on the painting and formed dark shapes on the surface, and though that effect looks interesting on that painting, I am unsure how it would look on a large scale and on an already dark painting.

I hope a varnish will do the job well and I know never to use that ink on my paintings again!