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Purple painting,

I have done some more work on my A2 (ish) size purple painting

This one has maybe more layers than Twilight zone, as whenever I’m waiting for something to dry on a bigger more important painting, this is the one I pick up and add too while I’m waiting, most of the time with left over paint from other works.

It is also a piece for experimenting and trying out new ideas, before trying them on a bigger scale, so it’s kind of a continuous sketchbook, but on a canvas.

One of the recent ideas that I used was using a paint brush
(which I normally only use for stirring paint and doesn’t usually touch the canvas)
and dabbing a colour into a large blob of water and watching as it quickly disperses into swirling shapes.


again, the shapes do not hold and by the time its dry they have blurred out.

Another reason why the photographing / filming of a painting seems to be becoming more important.