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Videoing my current painting has provoked some thoughts and questions about my work.
Why am I videoing it?

I originally thought it would be interesting to record the process of my painting, which normally, is something only I get to see.
But then, I know that I won’t be displaying a video as a final piece in the degree show, I still consider the finished paintings to be the final work.

So what role does process have in my work?
I think it is just something that I enjoy, I like to watch the paint move and shapes and lines form in front of me. And maybe that’s why I’m videoing it, I said at the beginning that this video was just an experiment, and its turned out to be a very good one.

So is it important that the audience sees / knows about the process?
The viewer can still appreciate the work as a finished painting without knowing the video even existed.
If I displayed the video at the end, what would happen to all the paintings? Would they be of any use or value anymore? If I decide that they are no longer the work?

I think that it is very enjoyable to watch the process of my painting, and it’s quite personal and intimate, especially as I am the one creating it.
It’s between me and the painting.

Thinking about this reminds me of Jackson Pollock. When his process was made available to the viewer by Hans Namuths film of him, it was no longer that the paintings were emphasized,
‘but the role of the artist and his action.’’ (Jackson Pollock, 2003, p. 63).
But people still bought his paintings, the final outcome.
Pollocks process was very personal to him, as my process is to me.
He also wanted to highlight the finished paintings, he didn’t want the viewer to be distracted by anything like a title, he wanted themto appreciate the paitning and
‘look at a picture for what it is – pure painting.’’ (Frank, 1983, p. 75).

One could also question that my work then, isn’t about the deep sea at all, it’s about the process. But then, why is it the colours I use are blues and greens, why do the final images refer to such inspirations.

But this project is not about process, maybe one could say,
I am a process painter, whose paintings at the moment are inspired by the deep sea.