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Paul Baxter

Recently I went to a small exhibition in Needham Market. To be honest, the majority of the work there didn’t appeal to me, but there was a few pieces that caught my eye and when I got closer to view them, oh my goodness. They were beautiful.

They were by a local artist called Paul Baxter, the works were completely different to everything else in the exhibition. They were abstracts, with blues and purples which swirled and morphed into images that could remind one of space nebula or reflections in water.

Looking at the description I saw that the artist had only used ink as his medium, quite like I used to do with my inky paintings. I mainly loved the colours he had used and they had a beautiful glossy finish to them.

It made me think that maybe I could try using inks again, though I would probably have to limit myself to one layer of ink as it easily ‘re-wets’ and blends where you don’t want it to, and I would have to use A LOT of ink to get a depth of colour.

If I had more money I would have bought one of his works but all I could afford was a book mark.