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Ideas behind Degree show paintings.

I want to paint a non-typical image of the sea. They will be imagined images, so are not copied from any reference. I want my paintings to be an impression of the sea, or feelings of the sea.
I’m concentrating on 3 different feelings which relate to 3 different areas of the ocean.

The darkest painting will be based on the feeling that you are so deep you can’t work out your surroundings, when its dark all you can see are the flickering lights from the technicolor life forms floating around you, there paths all blur together creating depth and a neverending network of strange shapes and colours. I want the viewer to feel overwhelmed by the vastness of the sea, I want them to feel lost, immersed.

The middle/medium painting will be similar to my Sanctuary painting, inspired by the colours and textures of a coral city, it encompass the feeling that hidden life is thriving all around you, it is a place where you feel safe and secure.

The lightest painting’s main focus will be light, sunlight. You are underwater, you are looking up, are you trying to reach the surface? Or are you beginning to sink? This painting will be a combination of fear and serenity. As you float below the surface, its beautiful yet distressing. You don’t know how far away the surface is.

I have already done a few base coats on each circle and here are some visual ideas of what I plan them to look like.

Dark circle
murky lots of layers, like Twilight Zone, you’re so deep down, you can’t work out where you are, like video painting layers built up with liquitex, lots of little rivers.

Medium/Middle Circle
Like Sanctuary lots of lively colours built up with paste for a matte effect, like a coral city, a place of vibrant life and safety.

Light Circle
like The Light Water, with light in middle (a base coat of sunlight), with blues and greens coming in from the outside like your looking up at the surface.