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Why I paint the way I do

My process has been hindered due to the MDF. I would usually work with a lot more water. But because I am now conscious of how easily they can bow my approach therefore has been much more caring.
My process is still a balance between control and chance, with the Liquidtex for example, when I pour the paint onto the medium, I don’t know what shapes it’s going to take, what direction it’s going to go in, most of the time I poured too much on than I would have liked and the paint suddenly expands on the surface.
When I use paint I water it down tremendously, Therefore it becomes much more fluid and uncontrollable.
It has more of a chance to surprise me that way, I let the paint decide on its initial form itself, then I work with that or work around it, if it decides to go somewhere I hadn’t expected, I let it.
By allowing the paint to initially choose its path the finished result is more natural, this is also why I don’t use a paint brush.