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The Finished Circles.

As the artist it’s one of my pleasures to work on a painting one day and come in the nexy when it’s dried and looks completely different, (but always in a good way). And with the particular way that I work this becomes quite prominent, as I work with such wet materials, I usually leave the work when its’ covered in puddles.

I noticed this much more in my darkest circle, as I was using a particular medium which would take a while to dry clear. I found painting this piece was the most detailed and rewarding. I would spend a lot more time with this painting as I worked my way around it nudging the little paint rivers along to encourage them to form a network of lines. It’s beautiful to watch too, especially with liquitex as the paint swirls before you and journeys across the canvas. Overall I love how this painting has achieved a great deal of depth and every time I look at it I don’t know quite where to look, which is exactly what I wanted, for the viewer to feel lost.

Possible names for the Dark Circle (along the lines of the word ‘lost’)
sleep silent isolate lost missing astray whisper search seek drift

Painting the Middle circle was the most challenging as this was the one the bowed the most. Though I was determined to make it work, even if I realised I had been painting on it upside down and so half way through and had to quickly decide on a new composition. Painting the little life forms was the most fun for me, I wanted them to be just hints of life, no real obvious creature, just colours you may associate with vibrancy and life along with the strange clear bodies of creatures found in the deep sea.

Possible names for the Medium Circle (along the lines of the word ‘sanctuary’)
hide hidden cradle safe haven sanctuary refuge

The lightest circle, was the most intriguing to paint, as I don’t normally work with such light colours, I wasn’t sure how the final image would look. At the beginning it looked more like the moon than a painting of the sea. Over a gradual process of forcing the paint from the outside to the middle, if it were a canvas it would have sunk to the middle anyway but with board I had to control it more, I built up a few layers of blues and greens around the edge. It was as if the seaweed was growing around me as I slowly sunk deeper and deeper each day I painted on it. This finished painting makes me feel like I’m looking up, but I don’t quite know what I’m looking up into, it’s just pure light.

Possible names for the Light Circle (along the lines of the word ‘reach’)
light wake awaken breathe elevate rise breach