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Work on the Foundling Opera goes on. Mostly on the sound. I have three versions so far. One is basically the Foundling Anthem almost unedited (still no answer from the copyright holders). One is a rather thin and pathetic soundtrack played by me on recorder and melodica (one of those children’s instruments parents usually regret buying). And one is a blend of the two with the Anthem dominant. Even though the Foundling Anthem sounds like it was a bit of a hack work for Handel its still a lot to live up to and I’m quite enjoying falling short of its complexity and accomplishment. I want to make a neutral work which neither openly celebrates nor is cynical about Coram’s effort. It will be twenty five minutes of painfully unclear narrative. This is an idea which probably reflects my difficulties with contemporary and celebrity charity. Unbeknownst to my handlers (until now) I’m also making a little book of drawings to accompany the film.


I’m still waiting for a date to film and photograph the trustees, I hope they haven’t got cold feet. When the large lenticular gets done it will be framed and donated to the museum. An unusual act of personal charity or a sneaky way of getting further publicity?