Trying to think of a focus for my visual art efforts this year. I think I’d like to fulfil my childhood/art student/current ambition to learn to draw – to be visually aware and literate… so I may use this blog over the next year to remind myself of this and to document my efforts… might be a bit embarrassing to begin with.

Drawing might be a way to keep in touch with being visual without it having to take up my whole life, as at the moment I’m way too busy with exams, essays, writing/interview assignments and actual paying rent work. I’m wondering if I could fit in 30 minutes a day of drawing, and whether that would lead to a noticeable improvement over the course of the year… that immediately raises questions in my mind about the function and value of drawing in the current art climate, but maybe that can wait for another post, another day.

I have at least two books on drawing at home: John Ruskin’s step by step book from a long time ago and Betty Edwards’ more recent Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. I’ll try and use those to educate myself/provide a structure and see where it leads.

Will post efforts soon!


Some things I’ve made which are very small nothingy beginnings.

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